Made with Bravo
Remember the days when we met new people every weekend and it was easy to socialize? We have understood it well, it is not this summer that we will be able to go back to a nightclub, but that does not mean that we have to stay locked up Tuned is an application that wants to bring people together again, and make you enjoy the summer. PROPOSE to other members: > Evenings / aperitifs > An event > A chill afternoon > A cultural outing > A volleyball on the beach > What you want, there is always someone interested DISCOVER the events: > See who is going where > Around you > When you go on vacation > Everywhere in France for now SOCIALIZE with everyone: > Discuss with others in discussions > Create contact > Look at each person's profile > Make friends Tuned is a social network application that wants to create social contact again and make you enjoy the summer and the deconfinement to the fullest.
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