Support Policy

At Bravo team, we aim to help our users discover the possibilities that Bravo offers and guide them in the process of building mobile applications. We care about delivering a great user experience and helping solve any issues or technical problems that might arise.

You can reach out to us for support here:

  • Bravo Assistant: Available for our paid users inside the Bravo web platform, this AI-powered assistant integrates with our Help Center documentation to provide answers to how-to questions. If you still need help after that, you can report an issue inside the assistant, and a member of our support team will help you further with your inquiry. This option is available as part of our paid plans.
  • Email Support: You can report an issue inside the Bravo Assistant, and a member of our support team will help you via email. This option is available for users who have an Email Support, Advanced, or Business app add-on. This service includes a response within 48 hours for your inquiries during office hours (10am-5pm CEST on business days, excluding bank holidays in Spain or relevant holiday periods that would be announced accordingly).
  • Guidance Sessions: Receive 1-1 support directly from a Bravo team member through a convenient 30-minute video call. Exclusively available for users who upgrade to our Advanced app and Business app add-on, unlocking a complimentary guidance session as a bonus. Please note that if you need to cancel or reschedule a session, you must do so at least 2 hours before the session time. Otherwise, the session will be counted as completed.
  • Bravo Community: Available for all Bravo users. Here, you can ask any questions related to building an app with Bravo and get answers and help from fellow users. Members of the Bravo team check the community periodically and will answer as well. Also, this is a great place to showcase your projects and connect with fellow makers!
  • Website Contact Form: Available for everyone that visits the website, this is a good channel to ask questions related to the product, report bugs, or make business inquiries. We recommend directing how-to questions to the community, Bravo Assistant, or support sessions.

What can we help you with?

Our Technical Support team can help and provide guidance with the following topics:

  • Setting up the design file.
  • Creating API requests with the Data Library.
  • Data Binding: connecting data to the app screens.
  • Errors with app bundle generation for publication.

Due to the flexibility of Bravo, which allows integration with any 3rd party APIs to store app data, it's outside of our scope to provide support regarding the integration or setup of a specific backend API or tool. The best option here is to check the API documentation and tutorials of the tool. It usually covers all the information regarding how to use the API in order to feed your Bravo app with data. In addition, the third-party tool might have a support service as well, who might be able to answer any questions that might arise.

Nonetheless, we have many tutorials and app cases in our Help Center about using different backend tools to store the app's data. In the Bravo community, Bravo app makers often share their cases, implementations, and workarounds.

How you can help yourself

If you're having issues implementing a Bravo feature, the best option is to use the Bravo Assistant. Most of the times, you’ll get an answer that helps you find the correct way to implement what you’re trying to achieve.

Also, we recommend that you check the Help Center, where we have tutorials, resources, and sample design files for all of the Bravo features. Most of the time, you can replicate the setup shown in these docs and files to make it work for your app.

Keep in mind that your question or issue may already be answered in the community, so try searching there. If you can't find anything related to your topic, you can always create a new post.

Bug reporting

If something doesn't work as expected, or if you experience any strange behavior in your app or in the Bravo website, we'd be very thankful if you reported it to us. You can use any of the support channels described above for that.

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