Convert your Web App into a Mobile App

Keep your app users engaged with your brand and content with a native app installed in your users phone. Leverage of powerful native features like push notifications to alert them of news or promotions and enhance their user experience.

The problems with web apps

  • Lack of Push Notifications: The ability to send push notifications to users directly on their phones can help keeping them engaged with your app and content.
  • Difficulty Retaining App Users: A native app installed on a user's phone is more likely to be used regularly than a web app accessed through a mobile browser.
  • Maintaining Multiple Code Bases: The hassle and cost of maintaining separate code for your web and mobile app can be eliminated with a native app.
  • High Cost of Mobile App Development: Developing a mobile app from scratch can be a daunting and expensive task.

Transforming your web app has never been easier

Eliminate the challenges of a web app and enjoy the benefits of a native app with Bravo Studio. Our team will guide you through the process of converting your web app into a fully functional native app.

The benefits of converting with Bravo Studio

  • Ease of access: Give your users easy access to your app through their phone's home screen.
  • Quick app store publication: Get your app published in the App Store and Google Play in just a few days.
  • Guaranteed app store acceptance: Our team will provide you with guidelines to ensure acceptance by the app stores.
  • Maintain one codebase: Save time and money by only maintaining one codebase for both your web and native app.
  • Traffic analysis: Use your current traffic analysis tools and identify traffic from your native app.
  • Immediate updates: No need to send your app to the app store for review on every update. Your users will always have the latest version of your app.
  • Navigate from web to native: Create native pages and navigate to them from the webview, or connect your own backend to the native parts.
  • Add native capabilities: Enhance your app with features such as push notifications, onboarding pages, OAuth2, deep links, geolocation, and more.
  • Increase app discoverability: Reach new users directly through the app stores.

We converted a web app using WeWeb and Xano!

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