πŸƒ Ready course
Feed your app design with real data coming from an external database.
Step-by-step, as easy as building a lego.
30 min
Step-by-step Tutorials
1/5 What is an API Database - 3:22 min
2/5 Airtable Database - 5:22 min
3/5 Connecting Airtable to Bravo - 4:44 min
4/5 Binding Data - 5:29 min
5/5 Page Reveal Animation - 3:27 min
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After completing this course you will know:
1. β€’ What is an API
2. How to create a database
using Airtable
3. How to connect Airtable to
Bravo Studio
4. How to Bind design elements
to external data
5. How to add page reveal animation

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