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December 21, 2023

A year in review: 2023 at Bravo Studio

As we reflect on the incredible journey of 2023, we're thrilled to share the multitude of enhancements and innovations that have shaped our platform. This year has been a testament to the collaborative spirit and creativity of our community.
Marta Serrano
Marta Serrano

This year we launched over 40 new features and enhancements, each designed to elevate your app development experience. From our Figma plugin to built-in analytics, these additions are a direct result of your feedback and the collective passion driving Bravo Studio forward.

Here’s the full list:

Advanced Plan

Our new Advanced App is the perfect solution for users who are looking for premium features but don't need the full power of our Business App just yet.

Haptic Feedback (bzzz)

Make your user's phone devices shake! 📳 Use the haptic feedback tags, to get different levels of vibration while navigating from one page to another or when doing some actions such as an open URL, going back, or any remote action.

Check out the documentation

GraphQL Body type

We have a powerful improvement for your API content. We Enable using GraphQL queries as a body type on your API requests. Avoid writing manual parsing code and ensure that Apps only ask for what’s possible and provide clear and helpful errors. Check out the documentation

Audio progress bar

Enable your user to move forward or rewind audio by using the new progress bar component. Perfect for your podcast app, meditation app, audiobook app, and anything related to audio apps!

See sample app

Scan multiple codes

This new scan feature allows you to scan more than QR codes, for example, Bar code, code128, code39, DataMatrix, and many more. Additionally, you can manage to open a section of the app while scanning the code.

Sample app link

Stateful animated components

Take your app user experience to the next level by adding LottieFiles to your active and default Stateful components. Elevate the visual appeal of essential UI elements such as menu items or checkboxes input in a Form, and deliver a more polished look to your app users.Try out this new feature!

Sample app link

Learn more


This new feature will allow users to take advantage of the benefits of NFC technology, such as reading content from an API call while using an NFC tag or similar.

Try it out!

Check the sample app

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Figma Plugin: UI presets

Explore our range of UI presets that are designed to simplify the process of building your Bravo app. With our pre-configured Bravo tags in all the right places, all you need to do is copy and paste the page from your Figma design, and you're good to go. Then, customize the style to make it your own and add a personal touch. It's that easy!

Download it now

Preview interactive selector

This feature enables you to easily select design elements directly on the central image, significantly streamlining your binding process. With this updated functionality, you can now work more efficiently and seamlessly than ever before.

Custom login Improvement: Register & Post-login

We've made significant improvements to our custom login feature, making it easier for users to create register pages and post-login actions with Xano.

To explore these enhanced features, simply check out our documentation on how it works, and connect your Xano login to Bravo App with ease

Connect your Custom Login today!

AI Assistant

Our AI Assistant! Ask anything you want to know about how Bravo Studio works and it will respond to your inquiries in a conversational manner. Simply click the blue question mark icon at the bottom-right of the Bravo Studio platform to get started.

We’re excited to provide even more efficient support to our customers, and we’d love to hear your feedback!

Check it out today!

Figma Plugin with Ask AI

We’ve incorporated an AI assistant to our Figma plugin that can help you as you build. Additionally, you can now say goodbye to the hassle of manual tag creation. Our plugin now lets you effortlessly generate full custom tags, such as this one for a web view component [].

Happy Bravorizing!

Download it today


We have some exciting news to share! We are delighted to announce that AdMob integration is now available for your Bravo apps!

With AdMob, you can effortlessly display targeted ads to your users and generate revenue based on impressions and clicks. By updating to the latest version of our Business app plan and connecting your AdMob integration, you can start earning today!

Check it out

Recording Sound & Save Audio files

With Bravo’s new audio recording capability, you can now effortlessly create recording audio input fields in your apps.

This means that your app users can easily record audio and seamlessly send it to your database via API.

You can also display an element or animation during the recording process, ensuring a visually engaging experience.

To make things even better, we’ve crafted a sample app that’s already connected to a Xano snippet that you can duplicate, to explore and test the new audio recording feature in action.

See documentation

More control over LottieFiles animations

We’re thrilled to announce that the LottieFiles component has been updated with new capabilities.

Get ready to take your animations to the next level with enhanced control over animation playback and frame start/end selection.

See documentation

Team plan: collaboration

We have some exciting news to share! 👯 Collaborating with your team will be much easier now in Bravo. Now you can grant edit and view access to other team members so you can speed up your building process. 💪

With the edit view, others can check the app in Bravo Studio but are not allowed to edit. 👀 🖥

If you want to share it with clients, stakeholders, or user testing users that will only view the app in Bravo Vision you can continue sharing and activate that Anyone with link can view 👀📱

App & Account API collections

Now you can build API collection directly on your app-building experience.🙌 These are called APP data collections, which will belong only to the app and can not be used in other apps, this will help you speed up and organize your experiences

Furthermore, you will see the account collection in our main menu. These account collections you can easily use across multiple apps in case for example you use it for MVP or prototyping and test different designs.

Check it out

Static binding & variables

With static binding, you can now effortlessly add variables from the backend or other API requests into your content. Just imagine the possibilities! 🌟 For instance, easily greet users with a personalized touch like "Welcome ${name}"! 👋

But that's not all! 😉 Static binding also empowers you to fetch responses directly into stateful components, toggling between True or False states without relying on additional API requests. It's a game-changer for efficiency and smoother experiences. 🔄🚀

Upgrade your development workflow with static binding and enjoy enhanced flexibility and convenience! 🙌 Stay tuned for more amazing updates to come!

Learn more

New Bravo Login Xano snippet: Refresh token.

We have created an Xano snippet to simplify the process of getting a Xano Login into Bravo apps. Here we want to share a tutorial on how to connect your Refresh token request to your authenticated backend.

Download Xano snippet  here

Follow this step-by-step video


We're thrilled to unveil the BETA version of our powerful Analytics Feature, designed to provide you with deep insights into your mobile apps and prototypes. With this feature, you can track total unique users, installs for published apps, previews for prototypes, logins, top visited pages, user locations, and more. It's your key to data-driven decision-making and optimizing user experiences. Log in now to explore and share your feedback to help us refine this feature. Transform the way you manage your projects with our new Analytics!

Available on Business and Team plans

New!! Password Visibility Toggle

Your wish is our command! Introducing the Password Visibility Toggle, a feature requested by many of you.

Effortlessly hide or reveal your password on both login and signup screens, for enhanced security and convenience.

Update your app today and enjoy the ease of secure access!

This feature is now available for all plans.

See documentation


Get your pages, containers or images preload to reduce loading times.Good to use for menu icons or any asset that will not change much in the app and will remain in the app bundle  Alert: However to use this tag will increase the size of your bundle

Learn more

See you in 2024!🎉

As we bid farewell to the year, we're immensely grateful for your passion that fuels Bravo Studio. Your commitment shapes our vibrant community, and we thank you for being a part of it. Best of luck with your app project in the coming year! Let's continue rocking the world of app development together in 2023! 🚀✨

Happy holidays!

The Bravo Team

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