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March 6, 2023

Our new and improved platform UX has landed

Today we're unveiling some brand new platform changes that will enhance our users' Bravo experience.
Fernando Olivares
Fernando Olivares

Every day, tons of people dream of building their next big app, that great idea that will help others and serve as a tool to unlock new possibilities. Unfortunately, in the world we live today, where technology can be sometimes challenging, only tech-savvy profiles (and developers) can make them real.

From Bravo Studio we understand this, and in fact, it is the reason why we exist today. Though as they say:  “With great power, comes great responsibility”, we feel responsible for breaking the boundaries of complexity, and for making No-Code accessible for anybody who has the drive to make their idea a reality.

This is why, right now we are fully focused on enhancing our platform’s user experience, already making the first step towards a more robust, easy-to-use, and optimized user interface.

That's why today we're delighted to unveil Bravo’s Edit View.

Introducing The Edit View

The Edit View is the first step towards a unified experience - one that is friendlier, more intuitive, easier-to-use and that saves building time. We wanted to provide a one-place-to-do-all experience for our users.

Bye-bye App Screens center, hello unified navigation

Remember those times when to bind layers from different screens we had to jump to the Screen List page to later enter the desired page and then go back repeat and so on…? If you don’t remember, here’s how it was:


With our new “Edit View” those days are long gone, and this is possible thanks to the new Left Sidebar navigation, the core of the improvement, which unifies all your screens and layers in the same place. From now on, every time you open an app or import a design file, you will directly land in the new “Edit View”, which looks something like this

The binding setup area has been fixed in the right sidebar, as before.

New Navigation Menu

To further unify the experience, we have also revamped the Navigation Menu. We have reduced it to “one line”, where you will be able to find the same tools as before with an updated disposition.

To do so, we have broken down the previous toolbar in 4 sections, giving a different style to each one of them:

  1. About your app (left): Where you will all the information related to your app, thumbnail, your design file name, app plan, and the possibility to upgrade. The redirection to the design file has also been moved here (hover over the name and gain direct access).
  2. Navigation between sections (center): We revamped the style for optimal navigation. With new hovers and selected states, it has been adapted to fit the one-line toolbar style navigation.
  3. Tools for Building (right): Update design file, Notifications, Versioning, and Debugger: this set of tools maintains the same style.
  4. Tools to “externalize” your app (right): “Share” and “Preview” have taken a new form as secondary buttons.
Previous toolbar
New toolbar

Extra add-ons

  • App Screens - Search Component: In the Left Sidebar, we have added a new Search Component in the App screens section, which should serve as support to find your app screens.
  • Walkthrough: We have included a walkthrough to serve as a guide through the new updates. This walkthrough is accessible from the blue thumbnail on the bottom-right side of the Left Sidebar.
  • Micro-interactions: With the goal of making this experience as smooth as possible, we have also introduced some fun micro-interactions: hovers, active states, and disabled states. Check out some of them:

Drag & drop

Search interaction

App screen selector

App screen selector

We hope you love the new changes as much as we do! We'd love to hear your feedback here.

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